Ultimate Travel guide to Sri Lanka: The all in one place

May 21, 2024

How on earth a tiny island nation situated south of India has got so many things to offer?

“Sri Lanka” is also known as the ‘pearl of the Indian Ocean’ due to its unique teardrop shape. Whether you’re turning in from Australia or any other corner of the globe, you know that you have a summer only once in a year. Or if you’re a winter person, you’ll have to wait for 9 months to enjoy the cold weather. But did you know, in Sri Lanka, you can enjoy a weather like summer and the winter both at the same time?

This extraordinary blend of climates is all accessible within a few hours’ drive. And that what makes Sri Lanka, a unique destination.

If you’re looking to explore this tropical paradise, look no further, we will take you through a comprehensive travel guide to Sri Lanka.

aerial view of Sigiriya rock fortress in Sri Lanka known as Lion Rock

The Majestic ‘Sigiriya’ Rock Fortress also known as the Lion Rock.

Sri Lanka has so many things to offer.

Sri Lanka, being a tropical island, its locals and tourists can enjoy a diverse climate. The coastal areas such as: Galle, Jaffna, Trincomalee, Mirissa, Bentota, Chilaw will offer you an average temperature of 27°C – 28°C. The hottest you can expect is Mid 30°C. In the central highlands, areas like Nuwara-Eliya, Ella or Kandy you will enjoy a cold temperature with the lowest you can expect is 12°C.

Sri Lanka is renowned for its two thousand year old rich history. If you visit the north central areas like Anuradhapura & Polonnaruwa, you will be able to see ruins of ancient cities, palaces and Stupas. The World-famous Lion Rock, known as “Sigiriya” is the most popular travel attraction in Sri Lanka. Sigiriya is a UNESCO world heritage site where its history spans to prehistoric times.

The ‘Yala’ National Park, located in southeast of the island, is known for its high density of leopards and elephants. Every year thousands of wildlife enthusiasts visit this National Park for Safari experience and for Wildlife photography.

Sri Lankan leopard found in the yala National park wildlife photography

Sri Lankan Leopard found at the ‘Yala’ National Park

Even though this island nation is smaller in size, it has the highest density of waterfalls in the world with a recorded 382 waterfalls. If you’re planning your next holiday in Sri Lanka, surely you need to visit at least one of the waterfalls.

Sri Lanka is also blessed with stunning beaches. Mirissa, Unawatuna, Trincomalee are some of the most popular beaches among the beachgoers and surfers.

Best time to Visit Sri Lanka

The best time to visit Sri Lanka is between the months of December and April when the weather is dry and sunny. However, you can enjoy the cool climate in the central highland year around.

Sri lankan iconic beach Mirissa best for travel

The iconic beach in Sri lanka – ‘Mirissa’

Flights to Sri Lanka from Australia

Sri Lankan Airlines is the national airline in Sri Lanka. If you’re travelling from Australia, you can book a direct flight daily from Melbourne or not daily from Sydney. The direct flight to Sri Lanka is a 10-hour long flight. Malaysian Airlines offers flights to Sri Lanka with a transit in Kuala-Lumpur is included.

Other major airlines like Singapore Airlines offer flights to Sri Lanka with transits included, from Perth or Brisbane.

Does Aussies need visa to Sri Lanka?

With the new regulations imposed in the country all Tourists or Business travelers to Sri Lanka must have e-Visa for entering Sri Lanka. You can either apply to online E-visa prior to your journey or get visa on arrival. Aussies will have to spend around 50 AUD for Visa application.

You can get more information on Visa to Sri Lanka from the Sri Lankan government website

Is Sri Lanka Safe to travel?

In this travel guide we will address a burning question – is Sri Lanka safe?
The simple answer is, “YES!”. Sri Lanka faced an economic crisis and political conflicts in the recent years. Despite those facts, Sri Lanka is now considered safe for travelers. In fact, Sri Lanka was named the best destination for Solo female travelers in 2024 by timeout.com

But just like in any other country, it’s important to exercise caution and be aware of your surroundings while you travel.

Sri Lanka travel nine-arch bridge in Ella, Sri Lanka

The famous Nine-arch Bridge in Ella, Sri Lanka


When it comes to accommodation, Sri Lanka has a wide range of options to suit every budget. From luxury hotels to budget guesthouses, you’ll find the perfect place to rest your head after a day of exploring.

Currency Exchange

Sri Lanka is a budget friendly country. This means you can stretch your budget and experience the best out of Sri Lanka. The exchange rate for 1 Australian dollar is around 200 Sri Lankan Rupees. An average meal will cost you around 6-7 AUD in Sri Lanka.


Let’s not forget about the best thing! Sri Lankan cuisine is a feast of senses that every traveler will fall in love with. Ranging from budget to luxury you will find numerous Sri Lankan dishes like Hoppers, Curries, String hoppers and more. Sri Lankan ‘Kottu’ is the most popular local street food you’ll find. As a warning: Sri Lankan food is a little spicy. But you can always request the locals to make your food less spicy, if you don’t like it.
Read more on Sri Lankan food

Sri Lankan Street food Kottu roti kottu sri lankan food

Local’s favorite street food: “Kottu”

What to expect

One of Sri Lanka’s greatest assets is its people. They’re very renowned for their warm hospitality. Sri Lankans will go out of their way to make the visitors feel at home. You’ll see a smile on every Sri Lankan face and experience genuine kindness and friendliness.

Official languages are Sinhala and Tamil but many of the locals also speak English.

In some of the religious sites, you will be required to follow a dress code. Wearing something which will cover your shoulders and knees and not wearing shoes or hats is considered as appropriate in these locations.

The ancient stupa, 'Ruwanweliseya' situated in Anuradhapura, Sri Lanka

The Ancient Stupa known as ‘Ruwanweliseya’ in Anuradhapura, Sri Lanka

Sri Lanka is becoming one of the most popular destinations in the world due to its variety of experiences for travelers. From warm beaches, cold central highlands, beautiful landscapes, Waterfalls, Wildlife, Delicious food, Rich culture and warm hospitality…. Items on the Menu of Sri Lanka is never ending…

At Asia Vacation Group we provide personalized and well-planned tour packages to Sri Lanka.

We are a member of IATA so we can give you the best service in booking you the best flight. From Visa to accommodation, guided tours, transportation and all activities… Make sure to call us so you don’t have to fuss!

– ‘Ayubowan’


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